All members receive four newsletters a year and regular updates of activities by email.
Individual $25
Family $40
Life $500
Post-Secondary Student $20
Elementary/High School Student – No Charge
Memberships run for the current calendar year (January to December).
New applications after September 1st usually provide membership for the following year.
If you have any questions, please e-mail them to:
James Kamstra:
We have two options to become a member (see below)
Once your application and payment are received you will receive a welcome email from our Memberships Director
Manual Option
1) Download, fill out and print the Application Form:
2) Mail the form with a cheque to:
North Durham Nature c/o Derek Connelly
86 Dominion Street
Uxbridge, ON
L9P 1K1
1) Fill out the form below with your information and hit "submit".
2) Through your online banking, send an E-transfer to NDN's Treasurer Kim Adams,
with information at the bottom of this webpage.
1)Membership Form
2) eTransfer Information
Security Question: Name of Nature Club
Answer: northdurhamnature
© Copyright North Durham Nature